Demand for military intervention in Haiti: the authorities despise the demands of the popular masses


More than 14 months, the de facto government led by Mr. Ariel HENRY is indifferent to the demands of the Haitian popular masses who seek to break with the traditional political system. This system continues to cause systematic violations of human rights both on the civil and political level and on the economic, social and cultural level in the country. Even today, the demands for the reform of the State, for proximate and restorative justice, for the decentralization of political powers and the deconcentration of services are still at the rendezvous.


The popular mobilizations of the last few weeks against the cost of living, the increase in the price of petroleum products, the call for the unconditional departure of the de facto government seem to worry more than one. The safeguarding of the interests of the local ruling class pushes the council of ministers of the de facto government to betray the nation by inviting foreign military forces to set foot on Haitian soil.


The Collective Défenseurs Plus recalls that the political maturity of the Haitian people has always been manifested in the course of its history through popular struggles. The struggle against the American occupation of 1915, the movement of 1946, the struggle for the overthrow of the Duvalierist dictatorial regime and the struggle against the occupiers of 2004 are among the most recent events that testify to the heroic greatness of the Haitian people . If the landing of 1915 was not the emanation of the will of the Haitian authorities, then the most recent ones of 1994 and 2004 were. Indeed, since several weeks, the Haitian people have expressed their race through protest movements against a government whose disarray seems unknown to them. Faced with the anger of the population, the government has only adopted two resolutions that do not conform to republican and democratic norms. The premiere which consists of disregarding popular demands as evidenced by the attitude of the prime minister in his addresses to the nation and the position of the minister of foreign affairs during the 77th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. The second decision that appeals to foreign forces on Haitian soil.


Moreover, the aftermath of the last foreign missions in the country are still alive: nearly 10,000 dead and 820,300 people affected by cholera according to a UNICEF report, multiple cases of rape and gang rape and thousands of abandoned children by UN soldiers. Without forgetting the muscular interventions of soldiers in different regions of the country against popular mobilizations, such as in Lascahobas during a demonstration for electricity, in Verrettes for education, respectively in 2010 and 2011. Défenseurs Plus< believes that the government must exhaust solutions at the national level in the face of the crisis. Therefore, the solution to overcome the multidimensional crisis must be a Haitian solution to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.


As a result, the Collective Défenseurs Plus affirms that the arrival of foreign troops on Haitian soil to tarnish the memory of our ancestors is not the choice of the hour. In this perspective, Défenseurs Plus, calls on the population to maintain peaceful mobilizations in the country’s municipalities in order to demand from the government the withdrawal of this demand of occupation, to guarantee the fundamental rights of every citizen and each citizen must work to return to the constitutional order. At the same time, he invites the government to revitalize the police institution to fight insecurity , and a return to the legitimacy of state institutions.



Done at Port-au-Prince, on October 14, 2022

Samendina Lumane JEAN

Responsible for Communication and Advocacy

Tel: 509 4737 69 60

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