Défenseurs Plus

Introducing Defenseurs Plus

The collective defending Human Rights, Defenseurs Plus was born on May 3, 2013 after a reflection on the issue of Human Rights in Haiti and the difficulty of their application by state authorities. Defenseurs Plus is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and effective defense of human rights across the country based on the various Conventions and treaties ratified by the Haitian State. The activities of Defenseurs Plus specifically address issues related to Civil and Political Rights (DCP), Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR) as well as specific Human Rights, including those of Women, Children, People with Disabilities and Migrants. Defenseurs Plus is also interested in the defense of consumer rights, the right of access to natural resources and environmental law.


Faced with the reign of impunity and the instrumentalization of violence for political purposes, the lack of will of the Haitian State to protect the rights recognized for all and to respect its commitments at the international level Defenseurs PLus is given the mission of promoting and defending Human Rights in Haiti to achieve a true democratic rule of law.


Target audience

The Collective Defenseurs Plus works in general with all the Haitian population and organizations working in the field of Human Rights, particularly youth organizations and community organizations.


Axes Programmatiques

Les objectifs de l’organisation sont classés à travers ses champs d’intervention.
Programme de Communication et de Plaidoyer sur les Droits Humains (PCPDH)
Programme d’Intervention Juridique et d’Assistance aux Personnes Victimes (PIJAPC)
Programme de Sensibilisation sur les Conventions signées et ratifiées par Haïti (PSCH)
Programme d’Observatoire sur la Justice et les Droits Humains (PROJDH)
Programme de Renforcement Institutionnel (PRIN)



The objectives pursued by the organization are divided into a main objective and specific objectives.
Its main objective is:
Promote the universal values ​​of Human Rights.
And its specific objectives are:
Fighting social exclusion in Haiti Advocacy for the respect of Human Rights Promoting the democratic values ​​of the rule of law


Intervention zone

We operate throughout the country with the help of its various representatives. However, special attention is paid to border municipalities with the Dominican Republic.

Structure and Operation

The “Defenseurs Plus” collective is structured as follows:

  • A General Assembly
  • A Coordination Council
  • A General Management
  • Thematic commissions and regional committees

To ensure its proper functioning, the organization meets once a year in General Assembly, but it can meet on an extraordinary basis at the request of the Coordination Council or 2/3 of its members or at the request of the General Management. The fiscal year of the organization “Defenseurs Plus” begins on January 01 and ends on December 31. The Coordination Council meets 4 times a year, and can meet as often as possible if the need is identified by the General Management. The frequency of meetings of the regional commissions and committees depends on their activities and the reality of the region. For all activities or instances of the group, decisions must be made by consensus. In case of difficulty, we will decide on the opinion of the majority of the members present by vote.

Completed activities

During the past two years, the Collective defending Human Rights “Defenseurs Plus” has carried out the following activities:
  • Advocacy with the authorities for the strengthening of the legal framework protecting Human Rights in Haiti;
  • Human Rights training for community organizations;
  • Training on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR);
  • Participation in the drafting of alternative reports to treaty bodies;
  • Training and awareness on violence against women and girls;
  • Observation of the 2015 elections;
  • Reception and humanitarian assistance to people deported and repatriated from the Dominican Republic;
  • Legal assistance to detainees

Our partners

In order to perfectly fulfill its mission and achieve its objectives, the Collective of "Defenseurs Plus" works in concert with a set of organizations working in the field of Human Rights at the national and international level.

On a national level

The collective of “Defenseurs Plus” has developed working relationships and partnerships with the following organizations and institutions:
  1. The Collective of Organizations for the Defense of the Rights of Migrants and Returnees (CODDEMIR);
  2. The Haitian Solidarity of Organizations for the Defense of Human Rights (SOHDDH);
  3. The “ZanmiTimoun” Foundation;
  4. The Human Rights Committee in Belladère;
  5. Social Movement of Haitians for Human Development and Women’s Rights (MOUFHAPDH).

At an international level

The organization works with human rights organizations headquartered in Europe, North America and South America
  1. Center for Civil and Political Rights
  2. International Service for Human Rights
  3. New England Human Rights Organization
  4. Coalition against Trafficking and Trafficking of Women and Girls in Latin America and the Caribbean.