Faced with the rise of cholera, the Collective Defenseurs Plus launched an SOS to the government authorities

In this context of the crisis where the shortage of fuel affects the operation of the country’s hospitals, we are witnessing an increase in cases of cholera in several regions of the country. This occurs in a context of the risk of closing or limiting the services of the country’s main hospital centers including the Hôpital de l’Université d’État d’Haïti (HUEH). These health institutions complain, among others, of the lack of materials, of health professionals who cannot move because of the shortage of fuel, and of drinking water distribution companies in difficulty. The Collective Defenseurs Plus is concerned about this situation and calls on the authorities in place to act urgently in order to avoid the worst.

Haiti has just celebrated on February 4, three (3) consecutive years without detecting a case of cholera with active epidemiological surveillance. Nevertheless, since several weeks, there has been a resurgence of the epidemic on the national territory. Indeed, more than 2,200 suspected cases have been registered since the beginning of October 2022, according to the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP). Also, it should be noted that it is pending a certificate of elimination of cholera in Haiti, that the ministry has confirmed the detection of the cholera epidemic in the country.

In addition to the reappearance of the cholera epidemic in the country, some hospitals are unable to admit new patients and are preparing to close their doors due to lack of fuel to keep a minimum functioning. According to data recently collected by the Pan American Health Organization/World Organization of Health/ (PAHO/WHO) of the United Nations, the shortage of fuel affects approximately three quarters of the main hospitals in Haiti. Défenseurs Plus denounces the irresponsibility of the authorities of the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) who do not act towards patients who suffer, due to lack of care. The de facto government as a whole is not concerned about the socioeconomic problems that confront the Haitian population. He recalls that a better state of health derives from the right to health and guarantees the right to life. The right to health includes access, in a timely manner, to acceptable health care, of satisfactory quality and at an affordable cost.

The cholera epidemic introduced into the Haitian health system in October 2010 has caused approximately 800,000 infections and a little more than 10,000 deaths in 2019. Défenseurs Plus invites the population to take precautions by applying hygiene measures because cholera is very real and to demand from the government respect for the right to health. Défenseurs Plus recommends an urgent effort on the part of the current government, to combat unsanitary conditions because it constitutes one of the vectors of the spread of the cholera epidemic; he recommends accompanying measures during the cholera period, especially the accessibility of drinking water for everyone, and the necessary materials in the centers/hospitals.

Made at Port-au-Prince, on October 30, 2022


Samendina Lumane JEAN
Responsible for Communication and Advocacy
Tel: 509 4737 69 60

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