Human rights must be at the center of the interventions of the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti.

 Défenseurs Plus expresses its deep concerns about the lack of information regarding the deployment process of the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti (MSSM). It is noted that this deployment is taking place in a context of acute political, social, and economic crisis, characterized by chronic instability, systematic human rights violations, and a lack of effective and legitimate governance. It is also worth mentioning that the deployment of the multinational force is supported by the new leaders, who were previously opposed to such a move. Some of them are partially responsible for the extreme violence and political crisis that the country has been experiencing for over 3 years.

Défenseurs Plus condemns the lack of transparency and the absence of inclusive participation in the decision-making process surrounding the deployment of the MSSM. Consultations with Haitian civil society, local human rights organizations, and community representatives are completely inadequate. Furthermore, the interim government and the Presidential Transition Council refuse to provide information on the process. This lack of communication systematically violates the right to information of the Haitian people, raising serious questions about the validity of the agreements made to accept this international intervention in light of the United Nations Charter and international law.

Previous international missions in Haiti have left a legacy of human rights violations, abuse of power, and lack of accountability by those involved in reprehensible acts.

Défenseurs Plus fears that, without rigorous oversight and clear accountability mechanisms, the MSSM may repeat these mistakes. Consequently, the mission could become ineffective and fail to adequately meet the expectations of the Haitian population in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 26/99, adopted on October 2, 2023.

The Défenseurs Plus collective, as a civil society organization, believes that such a security mission, while necessary in the short term to stabilize the situation, cannot be the sole response to the Haitian crisis. It believes that a comprehensive and sustainable approach, including deep political and economic reforms, is essential to avoid prolonged dependence on foreign intervention in Haiti. Furthermore, the Haitian people must be informed at every stage of the process.

Based on these considerations, the Défenseurs Plus collective makes the following recommendations to the relevant stakeholders:

  1. Haitian local and national organizations are urged to demand full transparency in agreements made with the international community and to ensure that accountability mechanisms are in place and functional.
  2. International actors are called upon to ensure that this military intervention respects the right to self-determination of the Haitian people, avoiding interference and supporting local initiatives.
  3. The Haitian government and the international community are urged to take the necessary measures to guarantee the protection of human rights for all, especially vulnerable groups such as children, women, persons with disabilities, and residents of marginalized neighborhoods, among others. It is recommended to include independent human rights observers within the mission and establish rigorous mechanisms for monitoring and responding to potential human rights violations.
  4. Défenseurs Plus recommends that international actors complement their security intervention with sustainable development programs, including investments in education, health, and infrastructure, to address the root causes of instability. The socio-economic development of Haiti can only be achieved through strengthening public services for the population and inclusion in the political process.
  5. The Presidential Transition Council must promote inclusive national dialogue on key national issues. It should also engage in inclusive dialogue with all Haitian stakeholders, including civil society groups, youth organizations, unions, and representatives of local communities, to find concerted and credible solutions to the current crisis.
  6. Défenseurs Plus calls on Haitian leaders and foreign actors to prioritize strengthening democratic and judicial institutions to ensure the rule of law, fight against corruption, and protect the fundamental rights of the Haitian people.
  7. The international community is urged to act prudently, respecting democratic principles and showing solidarity with the Haitian people in seeking sustainable and institutional solutions to the country’s political and humanitarian crisis.

Finally, the Défenseurs Plus collective remains committed to the Haitian population and will work together with other stakeholders for a stable, democratic, and human rights-respecting Haiti.

Done in Port-au-Prince, on May 21, 2024.


Frimens Deverson DUVAL

Communication Manager

Phone: +5093716 3526/3223 6116

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