The Defenseurs Plus collective calls on the authorities in place to restore order and public security to curb the spread of popular revenge

The collective Defenseurs Plus observes that the inhabitants of various municipalities in the country take their responsibilities to defend their right to life, which is an inalienable right. The citizen vigilance of the residents of the neighborhoods of the Port-au-Prince region such as Carrefour-Feuilles, Debussy, Pacot, Canapé-Vert, among others was remarkable in accompanying the units of the National Police of Haiti to fight suspected criminals. These populations do not want their neighborhoods to become lost territories as declared by the Minister of Justice and Public Security.

The collective Defenseurs Plus recalls that for more than two years, we have witnessed an increase in acts of crime and violence such as the assassination of police officers in uniform, cases of kidnapping followed by kidnapping for ransom, premeditated assassinations of political leaders and peaceful citizens. In addition, there are also repeated massacres and killings, the most recent of which are those in the localities of Pétion-Ville (Diègue, Meyotte, Fort Jacques, Marlique, etc.); localities in the municipalities of Cité Soleil and Cabaret (Source Matelas); regions of the Artibonite department (Savien, Liancourt, Verettes, Petite Rivière de l’Artibonite among others). In the year 2022, more than 50 police officers have been murdered according to data collected by Defenders Plus. In 2023, the organization already counts the tragic assassination of 22 police officers. The government did nothing to bring justice to them.

This generalized insecurity affects all sectors of national life: pupils, teachers, doctors, lawyers, students, police officers, small traders, peasants, unemployed, etc. Faced with this chaotic situation, it is appropriate to ask what the de facto government led by Doctor Ariel Henry, supported by part of the international community, is doing. Does the Haitian population not have the right to security and protection? of the State? Today, faced with the government’s inaction and the impunity that reigns supreme, the Haitian people are forced to react in defense of their rights against armed groups, which are produced by a system of governance that is based on organized crime, corruption, socio-economic inequalities and the exclusion of the majority.

Faced with the situation characterized by self-defense and the massive acquisition of machetes by the population in popular and sensitive areas such as Carrefour Feuilles or other regions of Port-au-Prince or in the Artibonite, the collective Défenseurs Plus is genuinely concerned. Already, we have recorded the lynching of people on the sole condition that they come or do not come from an area. Unfortunately, in the face of the recklessness and irresponsibility of the authorities in place, the era of private revenge is in full expansion.


The collective Defenseurs Plus asks the authorities in place to take into account the anger of a people thirsty for justice and security; to facilitate the resumption of their socio-economic activities. It also invites the Prime Minister de facto to open a sincere dialogue with the political and social actors with a view to establishing a government of consensus capable of satisfying popular demands and leading the country towards the return to the constitutional order.


Made in Port-au-Prince, May 2, 2023



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