The Haitian people are paying the price while waiting for a possible foreign force by the irresponsible and reckless authorities, observes the Collectif Défenseurs Plus

Hereby, the Collective Defenseurs Plus expresses its solidarity with all the victims of the latest clashes between armed gangs that have occurred in the metropolitan area as well as especially the neighborhoods of Solino and its surroundings. These attacks have already left many dead, injured and displaced. In addition, Defenseurs Plus expresses its solidarity with all the students and parents who are victims of repetitive kidnapping causing the closure of many schools in the metropolitan area and other places directly affected by the armed clashes. These acts constitute a flagrant and systematic violation of the human rights guaranteed by the 1987 constitution and the international conventions in this area. At the same time, the Collective Defenseurs Plus calls on all the living forces of the nation to form a common front to save the nation whose state can no longer guarantee its survival. It is time to make a beam to fight the enemies of the Republic who threaten human security and create despair in all sectors of national life.

The Haitian people find themselves at a crossroads at which they have never found themselves in the course of their history. Attacks by armed groups are becoming increasingly frequent in Haiti. At the same time, since the request made by the de facto power led by Mr. Ariel Henry for a foreign force before the international community, the latter seems to define no real national security plan to thwart the rise of gangs in the country for some time. . This situation of insecurity has already metastasized or is comparable to a rotting corpse. This people of such a glorious past, how can it be handed over to the mercy of the foreigner? Indeed, no public security policy has been implemented either by the government of Ariel or by its predecessors. However, the situation becomes more serious on this administration which seems not capable of doing better. By this observation, the Collective Defenseurs Plus wonders how far can we witness this descent into hell of Haitian society?

Through this call, the Defenseurs Plus Collective invites social organizations and conscious actors in the country and the diaspora to unite in order to save the nation from the current authorities whose cynical silence only bury us every day. It is time to be indignant at the cruelty of some and the cynicism of others who threaten our existence as a people. A democratic Republic guaranteeing the respect and protection of human rights is to be built.

Made in Port-au-Prince, March 10, 2023

Samendina Lumane JEAN
Communication and Advocacy Manager
Tel: 509 4737 69 60

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