Liliane PIERRE-PAUL, a prominent figure in the struggle for the establishment of press freedom in Haiti: Defenseurs Plus calls for the preservation of this achievement

  • August 4, 2023
  • Lekene Jensen Dufort
  • 0
On this painful occasion, marking the unexpected departure of Madame Liliane PIERRE-PAUL, the renowned journalist of Radio Télé Kiskeya on July 31, 2023, Defenseurs Plus  salutes the battle fought by this great woman. Her struggle against the Duvalier dictatorship and for the establishment of democracy in Haiti, particularly press freedom, has been remarkable and extends beyond Haiti’s borders. In light of this, Defenseurs Plus  is dismayed at the passing of Madame Liliane PIERRE-PAUL and advocates for the preservation of this achievement to strengthen democracy in the country.

In the contemporary version of democracy, it is inconceivable without freedom of expression in all its forms, including freedom of the press, freedom of thought, and artistic freedom. In other words, freedom of the press is one of the pillars of democracy and the rule of law. However, despite the struggles of the generation to which Madame Liliane PIERRE-PAUL belonged against the Duvalier dictatorship, press freedom still seems to be under threat in Haiti. Other human rights cannot be respected without the guarantee and protection of freedom of expression.

Indeed, in 2022, Defenseurs Plus recorded nearly ten cases of journalists’ assassinations. In just the first six months of 2023, there were three cases of journalist assassinations and numerous kidnapping cases, the most recent being Jean Thony LORTE, Marie Lucie BONHOMME, Pierre Louis OPONT, and Blondine TANIS. Alongside these cases are various threats that journalists face while carrying out their profession. In this regard, Defenseurs Plus  denounces the baseless attacks on the Haitian press in general, and particularly on Radio-Télé Kiskeya, which seek to tarnish the memory of the journalist-activist, Madame Liliane PIERRE-PAUL.

Freedom of expression, including press freedom, is one of the most effective means to fight against any anti-democratic abuses of political power or to expose them. This public space, which is the press, is meant to contribute to the civic education of the population. Young journalists are encouraged to use it wisely to contribute to the democratic process, one of the options that could lead us to Haiti’s sustainable development. Consequently, Defenseurs Plus calls on the actors of Haitian society to draw inspiration from the struggle led by the journalist-activist, Madame Liliane PIERRE-PAUL, for the restoration of freedom of expression in pursuit of establishing a democratic rule of law.

Furthermore, on this sad occasion, Defenseurs Plus  extends its sincere condolences to the family of the deceased, to the press in general, and to Radio Télé Kiskeya in particular. On the other hand, Defenseurs Plus calls on the Haitian people to unite with the noble causes of the press for the strengthening of democracy and the return to constitutional order in Haiti.


Done in Port-au-Prince, on August 3, 2023.


Frimens Deverson DUVAL

Communication and Advocacy Assistant

Tel: (509) 37 16 3526 / 32 23 6116

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