The preparations for the deployment of the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti: Haitian authorities are invited to inform the population

Haitian human rights organizations, members of the International Human Rights Observatory, observe the beginning of preparations for the deployment of the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti, while Haitian authorities provide no public information on the process. About ten US military aircraft are said to have landed at Port-au-Prince‘s Toussaint Louverture International Airport between the end of April and the beginning of May 2024, to transport the necessary materials for the mission’s installation. Civilians and military personnel have been seen around the airport and in the base camp buildings in anticipation of the arrival of different mission troops scheduled for the end of May 2024. The human rights organizations signing this statement urge Haitian leaders to inform the Haitian population about all stages of the multinational mission deployment process. In the name of the right to information guaranteed by the 1987 Haitian Constitution and international conventions to which Haiti is a party, organizations demand transparency from both Haitian and foreign actors at all stages of the mission deployment and operation. The Haitian government should take advantage of this latest multinational mission to define new security policies for the country and strengthen national security forces. Additionally, signatory organizations urge the Haitian population to remain vigilant to avoid mistakes of the past. Haitian human rights organizations, members of the International Human Rights Observatory, commit to closely monitoring all actions of the members of the aforementioned security support mission in Haiti. The actions of other involved actors will also be monitored to denounce any forms of human rights violations and encourage them to act in the interest of the Haitian people. It is crucial to emphasize the urgency of restoring peace and security in Haiti to allow the Haitian people to elect legitimate leaders in the country. Haitian human rights organizations, members of the International Human Rights Observatory, recall that the Multinational Security Support Mission (MSSM) in Haiti was established by United Nations Security Council Resolution 26/99 (2023) dated October 2, 2023. Its main objective is to support the action taken by the Haitian National Police to restore security in Haiti and create favorable security conditions for holding free and fair elections within a reasonable timeframe.

The MSSM will be deployed in Haiti in a context where the country is facing a security, humanitarian, and socio-economic emergency, while the Presidential Transition Council has not yet sent clear signals of a governance change aimed at improving the living conditions of the Haitian population.

The organizations signing the statement…

Deverson Frimens DUVAL Communication and Advocacy Officer of the Collectif Défenseurs Plus

Dieulissaint ETIENNE Communication Officer of the Border Network Jeannot Succès (RFJS)

Ashley JEAN BAPTISTE, Esq. Vice President of the Group for the Protection of Human Rights in Haiti (GPDH)

Rose Carmelle FLEURANT Coordinator of the Women’s Border Network of Ouanaminthe

Sully DUBUISSON Communication Officer of the Group for the Defense of Human Rights and Integrated Development (GDDI)

Gérald GUILLAUME General Coordinator of the Departmental Initiative against Trafficking and Child Trafficking (IDETTE)

Port-au-prince, Mayy 10th 2024


To authenticate:

Deverson Frimens DUVAL Communication and Advocacy Officer

Collectif Défenseurs Plus

Phone: +509 3716 3526/3223 6116

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