A new killing in Petite Place Cazeau: Armed groups continue to clash

The Collective Defenseurs Plus learns that a new killing took place on Thursday, November 17, 2022 in the locality of Petite Place Cazeau in Delmas, where more than ten (10) people are murdered, including three (3) in the same family. The Defenseurs Plus Collective questions the serial massacres, gang wars and summary executions where members of the population continue to be the targets of armed groups. Despite the identification of the problem related to insecurity, no solution has been attempted to solve it. Many lives continue to be destroyed by localized armed groups and identified gang leaders. The latter continue to be reinforced with ammunition and weapons, and to brag on social networks that they are not lacking. In several communities, residents are crying out for help as bodies continue to be counted. Defenseurs Plus questions the reason for these massacres, gang wars and assassinations. Additionally, more than 20 kidnapping cases have been reported in the metro area this week.

Defenseurs Plus points out that in less than one (1) month, several areas have been targeted by armed groups, including Petite-Rivière de l’Artibonite, Carrefour-Feuille, Canaan, Martissant and Delmas 33 (Ti plas Kazo). Some people are torn from their homes to be massacred for want, others have died from stray bullets. Gang groups repeatedly attack neighborhoods, without any constraint. Their confidence increases and they dare to exceed all the limits set by the Law.

Defenseurs Plus accuses in this sense the work of certain judges who exonerate people who must be punished by law; the work of certain police officers who lend strong hands to armed gangs; the work of certain political actors who reinforce insecurity in order to maintain or gain power. At the same time Defenseurs Plus salutes the efforts of the police who still believe in their mission, their courage in the face of the gang groups that we continue to strengthen in order to suppress the police institution. Defenseurs Plus denounces these practices because it believes that the insecurity, armed violence and impunity that reign in the country facilitate certain political groups in the midst of a crisis of legitimacy, and other people who take advantage of the situation.


Make in Port-au-Prince, November 19, 2022



Program Director
Tel: (509) 3892 70 55

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