Defenseurs Plus denounces the silence of the Haitian authorities regarding the situation of the residents of Tabarre ( North of Port-au-prince), who have been subjected to gang violence since Saturday, July 22.

“Defenseurs Plus” is deeply indignant about the situation faced by the inhabitants of Tabarre, particularly those in the neighborhoods of Truittier and Dumornay, who have been terrorized by armed gangs since July 22. The attack by armed criminals has forced the population to flee their homes and seek refuge around the American embassy on Monday, July 24. These refugees were dispersed by the police on Tuesday, July 25, using tear gas.

The people of Tabarre are facing an extremely difficult situation. They are under attack from all sides. Sporadic gunfire has been heard, houses have been set on fire, and families have been driven from their respective homes between July 21 and 24, 2023. Fleeing the unbearable situation imposed by the “kraze baryè” gang members, families left with only what they could carry. Among these refugees were children, women, and elderly individuals. Shockingly, they were chased away by the same police officers who were supposed to protect them.

“Defenseurs Plus” emphasizes that democracy’s main objective is to protect the people against arbitrariness and all forms of violence. Therefore, legal documents like the Haitian Constitution, the decree of November 29, 1994, establishing the organization and functioning of the National Police, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights signed and ratified by Haiti aim to ensure the security, dignity, and protection of Haitian citizens. In light of these observations, “Defenseurs Plus” vehemently condemns the abandonment of a population already victimized by the government authorities and the repression by the agents of the Haitian National Police (PNH). This critical situation demonstrates the government’s lack of concern for the well-being of the population, to whom it has constitutional obligations.

Furthermore, realizing that Haitian society has been left to its own fate, “Defenseurs Plus” urges the government to take responsibility for the population it has neglected for far too long. Additionally, “Defenseurs Plus” encourages the population to take all necessary measures to assert their rights and mobilize to have legitimate and responsible authorities leading the country.

Issued in Port-au-Prince on July 26, 2023



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