Défenseurs Plus, a Haitian organization for the promotion and defense of human rights, is deeply troubled by the indiscriminate violence caused by the war between Hamas and the Israeli...
The gang violence that has been plaguing the Croix-des-Bouquets district has now spread comfortably to Thomazeau for several months. Indeed, over the past week, the population of Thomazeau has...
Defenseurs Plus, an organization committed to the defense of human rights and the protection of vulnerable individuals, including migrants, expresses deep concern over the recent acts of violence perpetrated...
“Defenseurs Plus” is deeply indignant about the situation faced by the inhabitants of Tabarre, particularly those in the neighborhoods of Truittier and Dumornay, who have been terrorized by armed...
Defenseurs Plus, an organization promoting and defending human rights, is deeply disturbed by the recent cases of abductions followed by ransom-driven captivity that have affected Haiti. Specifically, we express...
Recommended by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in 1989 and adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in December 1990, July 11th is designated as World Population Day....
Défenseurs Plus is concerned about the ongoing violence in the country. In recent weeks, these violent incidents have resulted in loss of human lives and property. According to gathered...