This May 3, 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of the Defenders Plus collective. Despite the chaotic situation in which the country currently finds itself, the organization does not wish...
On April 3, 2000, armed men cowardly murdered the Director General of Haiti Inter radio, the journalist Jean Léopold DOMINIQUE and the station guard, Mr. Jean-Claude LOUISSAINT. 23 years...
Hereby, the Collective Defenseurs Plus expresses its solidarity with all the victims of the latest clashes between armed gangs that have occurred in the metropolitan area as well as...
Celebrated on December 3, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities provides an opportunity to raise awareness among the Haitian population and improve the situation of this most often...
Kolektif « Défenseurs Plus » santi li tris anpil devan gwo dega tranbleman tè 14 dawout 2021 an fe nan grand sid peyi a, li profite mande solidarite tout...
Le Collectif Défenseurs Plus continue de constater avec regret une multiplication des actes d’insécurité durant ces derniers mois dans la zone métropolitaine et dans certaines villes de provinces. Tandis...
Kolektif « Défenseurs Plus» aprann ak dezolasyon nouvèl sou zak sasinay prezidan JOVENEL MOISE nan lanwit 6 pou louvri 7 jiyè 2021. Défenseurs Plus, òganizasyon k ap defann dwa...