For several years, the State has been unable to carry out its sovereign functions, including security and defense of the territory. Défenseurs Plus is stunned by the violations of...
The gang violence that has been plaguing the Croix-des-Bouquets district has now spread comfortably to Thomazeau for several months. Indeed, over the past week, the population of Thomazeau has...
“Defenseurs Plus” is deeply indignant about the situation faced by the inhabitants of Tabarre, particularly those in the neighborhoods of Truittier and Dumornay, who have been terrorized by armed...
The collective Defenseurs Plus observes that the inhabitants of various municipalities in the country take their responsibilities to defend their right to life, which is an inalienable right. The...
On April 3, 2000, armed men cowardly murdered the Director General of Haiti Inter radio, the journalist Jean Léopold DOMINIQUE and the station guard, Mr. Jean-Claude LOUISSAINT. 23 years...