Defenseurs Plus leve alam pou pwoteksyon popilasyon sivil ann Ayiti: otorite gouvènman defakto yo ap fè fas ak istwa.

  • April 29, 2023
  • Lekene Jensen Dufort
  • 0

Défenseurs Plus gen enkyetid sou vyolans k ap kontinye nan peyi a. Nan semèn ki sot pase yo, ensidan vyolan sa yo te lakòz pèt lavi moun ak pwopriyete. Daprè done yo rasanble, plis pase 200 moun mouri nan lokalite Source Matelas, 93 lòt moun nan komin Site Solèy nan eklatman ant gang rival yo, alòske prèske 25 moun pèdi lavi yo nan atak sou zòn Debussy ak vwazinaj li. Moun ame te touye anviwon 15 moun nan apremidi 24 avril 2023, nan lokalite Fort-Jacques. Nan zòn ki atake pa gwoup ame yo, plizyè douzèn kay yo te piye epi yo te mete dife, ak dè milye de moun te deplase. Fòs sekirite yo te ralanti pou sove moun ki an danje, e gen kèk ki te mouri akoz blesi yo akòz mank swen medikal. Tout bagay sa yo ap pase nan yon peyi ki pa gen elektrisite, dlo pòtab, oswa nenpòt sèvis debaz gouvènman an.


Sitiyasyon sa a, te kontinye twò lontan, kote manm nan popilasyon an ap masakre brital, ak lòt moun ap kouri kite kay yo san yon kote ki an sekirite pou abri. Yon gwo pati nan peyi a se kontrole pa gang ame, ak tout zòn nan rejyon metwopolitèn nan ap fè fas a vyolans alimenté pa moun ki gen entansyon detwi lavi. Rèl dezespere yo tande nan plizyè zòn, tankou Sous-Matelas, Meyotte, Route-de-Frère, Debussy, Laboule, Thomassin, Cité Soleil, Solino pami lòt. Menm modèl la vizib nan zòn nan depatman Latibonit, sitou nan Kafou Peigne, Lestère, Petite-Rivière-de-l’Latibonit. Nan zòn ki atake yo, yo kalonnen moun, yo koupe yo, yo boule yo, yo touye yo ak bal; yo vyole fanm ak tifi; granmoun yo, fanm ansent, ak timoun yo pa epaye nan aksyon kriminèl sa yo.


Défenseurs Plus notes that the de facto government is unable to provide a solution to the various socio-political crises facing the country, including armed violence and food insecurity. Haitians dream of fleeing the national territory, which is controlled by armed gangs. The national security forces are struggling to cope, and some influential people prefer to strengthen armed gangs with materials purchased from other countries rather than supporting the national police. Weapons and ammunition continue to be imported, and young people and children are recruited to strengthen armed groups. The right to life and human security are constantly threatened and cannot be guaranteed by the current authorities.


Furthermore, human rights are not only to be protected by the state of a country but also by international human rights protection agencies. The Organization of American States (OAS) aims, among other things, to defend democracy and human rights and to strengthen the security of the territories of member countries. Nothing is being done in the case of Haiti, which has been in agony for some time now. Additionally, the United Nations, which promotes human rights protection in countries, does not seem to be concerned about the current situation. Thus, Haiti, as a country in great insecurity and without legitimate state powers, begs the question of why the population remains left to fend for itself without the assistance of the international community.


Défenseurs Plus mande gouvènman defakto pou sispann sèvi ak lajan peyi a pou privilèj pèsonèl li, paske pa gen okenn rezilta obsève. Défenseurs Plus mete aksan sou manm OEA ak Nasyonzini yo ke pèp ayisyen an gen dwa a pwoteksyon, enkli sekirite ak dwa a lavi. Enstriman legal pou pwoteksyon dwa moun, nan nivo rejyonal ak entènasyonal, plase moun nan menm nivo kèlkeswa ras yo ak peyi kote yo ap viv la.

Défenseurs Plus  ap mande popilasyon ayisyèn nan òganize yon fason pou fè fas ak menas gwoup ame yo tolere pa gouvènman ak otorite jidisyè yo. Li ijan pou nou pran desten nou, kòm pèp, nan men nou pou nou bati yon sosyete demokratik e an sekirite epi kontribye nan pwogrè sosyal ak ekonomik peyi a.


Fè nan Pòtoprens, 24 avril 2023.






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